SPECIAL REPORT: Malaysian royalty and the daughter of a dead politician can be revealed as the owners of a company building a facility to store toxic waste from a Lynas refinery.
Adrian Rauso
Passengers hoping to get a flight out of a popular holiday spot have been turned away after a regional airport closed its doors amid wild weather.
Aisling Brennan
Crew on Naturaliste Charters spotted a newly-born orca calf on January 30 in the waters off Bremer Bay in the Great Southern.
Georgia Campion
There’s been a major update on a man missing more than a week in crocodile-infested waters, as the region is lashed by flooding.
Clareese Packer
Walpole resident Michael Filby has received the individual community champion award at the inaugural Clean Up Australia community awards for his tireless work cleaning up the highway near his small town.
Jacki Elezovich
A 112m wind turbine has collapsed after severe thunderstorms wreaked havoc in one state, prompting this call.
Alexandra Feiam
Areas of Far North Queensland rocked by the death of two people have been hit by criminals taking advantage of evacuation orders and looting homes.
Enthusiasm for all-electric homes is building, though a rapid shift away from gas risks lumping those who remain with an expensive network to cover.
Poppy Johnston
A bushfire outbreak triggered by dry lightning is threatening a popular walking track, as firefighters battle ‘challenging’ conditions.
Duncan Evans
A world famous tree walk and water recreation hotspot can now be accessed by visitors of all shapes and sizes following the ribbon cutting of new accessibility infrastructure on January 31.
Melissa Sheil
Communities are suffering as heatwaves become more frequent and severe as the climate heats, sparking calls for a better government response and more funding.
The much-maligned proposal for an independent Federal environmental watchdog will be formally put down on Wednesday when both the Government and Opposition move to take it off Parliament’s agenda.
Katina Curtis
A very hot air mass is sloshing around the country, causing temperatures to reach the mid-to-high 40s over several states.
Another person has died in flooding that is devastating large parts of the North Queensland coast, in scenes of “incredible devastation”.
Climate change and other threats have 16 species headed for extinction no matter how much money is spent, new research shows.
Infrastructure around three Great Southern tourist spots will be upgraded under a re-elected Labor government, as the minister for the environment pledges $3.5 million for William Bay National Park assets.
Melissa Sheil and Georgia Campion
The State’s environment umpire has cleared Northern Star to push on with a major expansion to the Super Pit provided dust pollution and explosions that can be heard from Kalgoorlie are kept in check.
Simone Grogan
Thousands have gone without power as wild storms battered one state, with “hours of lightning” recorded in a major city and its surrounds.
Parts of North Queensland have been hit by more than a metre of rain and a key road has crumbled, with warnings residents could be cut off ‘for weeks’.
Extreme heat and disruptions from climate-fuelled floods and fires pose learning setbacks for students that may weigh on their future earnings, a report says.
A person has died and thousands remain without power as dangerous floodwaters inundate towns and cities in north Queensland.
Blair Jackson and Aisling Brennan
Hot, humid conditions are not only risky for professional athletes but amateurs as well, with differing fitness levels requiring tailored cooling strategies.
Emergency services have deployed multiple water rescue crews as torrential rain and flash flooding smashes one Aussie city.
A WA-based artificial intelligence software developer has teamed up with a Broome traditional owner group to conduct a large-scale habitat survey across hundreds of square kilometres.
Katya Minns